Wednesday, May 8, 2013


I’m supposed to be a lady.

I’m supposed to do what’s “right.”

I’m supposed to be loyal and true.

I’m supposed to be a lot of things. But what about everyone else, especially the bullies in my world? Can I just say that I am a reasonable person. I am not that hard to get along with! I have no problem showing respect TO THOSE WHO HAVE EARNED IT. But if you walk on me, I will meet you face-to-face, prepared to do battle if I must. If you try to rule me, you will meet resistance. If you act with aggression toward me, well, we shall see.

Bullies are nothing new to me. They are everywhere, and, I suspect, in every culture. There always will be someone who thinks (s)he is better than someone else, and to cause them to prey on those they perceive to be weak. The only thing I can do about bullying is my own.  Am I bullying the neighbor who is pushing his way over the property line to the property my spouse and I have been paying payments to own for 18 years? Am I bullying the little kids next door when they taunt my dogs and I tell them to stop? When someone calls my “do not call” number and I ask, “Where did you get my number,” and they say they have an automatic dialer is it wrong that I am angry that they think that is a legitimate reason to violate my “do not call” order? When someone—say a bill collector—calls my house and I tell them I can’t help them today, is it wrong for me to get angry when they press me to “take care of this today” when I have already said I can’t pay that bill at that time? And they disrespectfully press me to pay over the phone when I have said, “I don’t have the money for that today.”

I suppose they are being paid on a commission basis, however many people they can bully into paying their debt nets them a percentage?  Do they realize that there was some help for us to fall below our ability to handle our debt? The U.S. Government has been instrumental in creating economic disaster for everyone in this country. But, of course, we are selective about who we ‘bail out.’ 

The 12-Step program used by Gamblers Anonymous says: Gamblers Anonymous ought never endorse, finance or lend the Gamblers Anonymous name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property and prestige divert us from our primary purpose.  Every Gamblers Anonymous Group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions. Congress should have a similar set of guidelines and stop the lobbying from running our nation, bullying our citizens. 

As I think about the conflict of religion I feel like I’m on a completely different plane of observation and understanding.

To me, it’s not about “color.” It’s about “Unity.” We are so busy searching for our differences we have lost sight of our common ground, creating more diversity, more division, and slaughtering Unity.

To me, it’s less about which religion’s concept of “God” is the right one and more about living a godlike life. If we all hold to a God of love, if we all respect life, respect each other, reflect godlike living, well…what was the question?

To me, the Bible is less about threatening punishment for our sins and more about wisdom and warnings to help us make better, more sound decisions, so we have a better, more sound, stronger world to live in.

When did we decide we don’t need wisdom?

When did we forget what respect is?

When did we become so selfish and self-centered individuals?

When did we lose compassion?

When did we decide that we don’t need love?

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