Are things improving on the economy front? Wall Street and the bankers seem to be recovering nicely, at least the last time I saw the news. But families are still struggling. Financial struggle is stressful. Stress is a killer. Everyone knows this but the business world is all about profitable bottom lines at any cost, even in creating stress that creates a boilermaker of epic proportions just waiting to explode.
My Internet provider, in December agreed to charge $16.99/month for 12 months. It would take a couple of billing cycles for it to show up on my bill. (I'm not sure how necessary this is, but I guess if that is the case, they won't mind if I send them payments less the difference and it will all catch up in a couple of billing cycles. Is it about using my money and everyone else's to generate income off of it?)
I looked at the February billing. We were still being charged the $33/month. I called. Our account was to be credited for the difference on January and February billing while our account went to "investigating" to figure out what needed to be done. (Seriously??? Unfortunately, yes.)
We got two different pieces of mail from the provider. One said we would be charged $18.99/month for 12 months, and thereafter $36/month. The other said we would be charged $21/month for 12 months, and thereafter $36/month. There would be a 12 month contract and an $180 early termination fee if we did not hold the contract.
OK. Something is definitely not right. Initially I thought I am not picking up the slack for Wall Street and the bankers who created the economic crisis...and would I be making a fiercely miscalculated stab in the dark if I thought for one minute that Wall Street and the bankers have a hand in the "sequester"? If I am very wrong, I hope someone with knowledge and wisdom can explain or point me in the right direction for a little discovery on my own.
I called. I explained that, although I understand that the provider has a financial bottom line to be concerned about, I have greater concerns about the financial bottom line of my family. We did manage a resolution: $18.99/month for 12 months, no contract, and no early termination fee because I flat out refused to accept an agreement with them on any other terms. My other option: there are "hot spots" at restaurants all over town. I don't have a problem with cutting off my Internet provider. They don't want to lose me as a customer.
Everyone is not so agreeable to make such a compromise. But it was worth my time to negotiate. Now, I just need to do the same kind of negotiating with other products and services I purchase.
While we're talking about this economic subject, I understand when we're handling our "consequences" which are not always OURS, it doesn't really help much for someone to say, "Into each life a little rain must fall," or "This, too, shall pass," or "There isn't a road that doesn't have a bend in it," or even "Been there, done that..."
But the truth is, we take each day as it comes. We do what we can do, and go from this moment. If creditors call you, what more can you do than say, "I'm doing everything I can to take care of this but it's out of my control." You can look for assistance. A lot of other people are in the same situation, but the charities do the best they can to find help for those in need. If your utilities are going to be shut off due to lack of payment, you are in need. Everyone needs help sometime. And everyone finds themselves in a position to help others sometimes.
(c) 2013 Cathy Thomas Brownfield ~ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No parts nor the entirety of this blog may be used without the express permission of the author. THANK YOU