Which 2012 candidate currently stumping for their parties' endorsements for U.S. president represents these same ethics and morals emphasized by FDR that long ago day?
Since 1979 a Great Depression, better known as the Economic Malaise, has affected too many lives cast into a downward spiral,a black pit of loss and despair. Who has a viable plan to turn around the economic decline, the Malaise, of the past 33 years?
As I prepared to vote at the Ohio primary on Super Tuesday, I was faced with a choice. I voted for the underdog, Ron Paul. Why? I have to ask myself how a wealthy woman like Mrs. Romney could actually say, and expect people to believe, "I don't look at myself as wealthy." When is the last time she had to do without things she needed? And why did news reports advise that Mitt Romney's sons were keeping a low profile "this time"? The discussions of women who take birth control, the remarks that throw us backwards to a time when women were extremely regarded as second class citizens (not sure how much that has changed)...We are supposed to be moving forward!
The secrecy around Mr. Obama's birth, his beliefs and associations with the Muslim world, the rumors of what ObamaCare is going to do to our civil rights...There are too many questions, too many violations of the public trust.
FDR, where are you?
by YourLocalSecurity.com